
Your first 90 days in a new job

23 November 2022

You’ve done the hard work and secured yourself a new role – well done!

The first 90 days in a new company will massively determine your ability to succeed. So, what are you going to do to maximise your impact in those first 90 days?

My first piece of advice is to resist the urge to jump straight into your new role. I know it’s easy for me to say, but you only get one chance at this stage. Slow down. This is a time for investigation, to listen and learn as well as showing your colleagues who you are.

As Jeff Olsen says, “Sometimes you need to slow down to move fast”


Key three themes that you should be considering in any new role throughout the first 90 days are

  • People
  • Department (or role) KPIs and investments
  • Systems and processes

What else will you need to consider for your specific role?


Meet your peers and those around you, your team and identify your stakeholders. Are there any capability opportunities or concerns within your team? Interview those you meet to find out the key elements that are going well and anything that needs attention and improvement.

KPIs and Investments

Are there clear KPIs? If so, is there an opportunity to stretch further or do you need to accelerate to achieve your targets? If there aren’t any KPIs then consider whether they are required and what they should be. Are there any gaps or opportunities for investment?

Systems and Processes

Get to know the systems and processes used. Do the processes work well? Are the systems or processes over-complex, are there gaps? Is there an opportunity to improve them?


It’s a good idea to break the 90 days down into manageable chunks

  • STAGE 1 Days 1 – 30 Start your learning journey
  • STAGE 2 Days 31 – 60 Accelerate your learning and start to take action
  • STAGE 3 Days 61 – 90 Action plan and continuous improvement

Stage 1: Days 1 – 30

Understand the organisation and how it works. Find out what’s expected of you and your team. Start building relationships with the people you meet. Listen and be curious to understand what is appreciated and what could be improved.

Consider creating a SWOT or similar and communicate your findings at the end of this stage. The company will benefit from your fresh eyes and new perspective.

Stage 2: Days 31 – 60

Use your analysis from Stage 1 to create a plan of action. Prioritise your action plan and show where you might need decisions and support. Communicate your plan, take feedback where necessary.

Continue to build those important relationships and trusted partnerships. Improve psychological safety with your team by dialing up your empathy and reducing your judgement.

Assess your stakeholder list, as new people are identified. Do you or your team directly or indirectly impact your stakeholders’ ability to succeed?

Stage 3: Days 61 – 90

You’re on the home straight…

Cement the relationships you have built so far and establish how to keep the communication channels open beyond your first 90 days. Revise or re-confirm the goals and ways of working for the team, with a focus on how you serve your customers. Advise of any improvement plans that will progress for longer than the first 90 days, and whether budget or others’ buy-in might be required. Put in place a mechanism for continuous improvement.


At the end of 90 days you should

  • Have an idea of what you want your team structure to look like moving forward
  • Have strong relationships with key internal players – including seniors, subordinates and co-workers at your level
  • Have a clear idea of what changes you’d like to make in the coming months
  • Have already achieved a number of small wins

More importantly, at the end of 90 days people will know who you are and what you stand for. They will have experienced you thinking strategically and seen you take swift action in some areas.

Good luck and let me know how you get on in your new role!