Developing High-Performing Teams

A Recipe For Success: High-Performing Teams High-performing teams are the cornerstone of thriving organisations. A high-performing team is a group of individuals who consistently exceed expectations, work together seamlessly and achieve outstanding results. These teams not only achieve exceptional results but also foster a positive and collaborative work environment.  Developing a high-performing team offers numerous benefits for both the individual […]

Improve Performance: Power Up Your Day

Have you ever felt like you have a mountain of tasks to conquer but just can’t seem to muster up the energy to tackle them? You’re not alone. Our energy levels fluctuate throughout the day, and understanding these patterns can significantly impact our productivity and well-being. It’s common to experience periods of higher energy, which I refer to as […]

The Goldilocks Zone: Finding Your Performance Sweet Spot

Have you ever felt stuck in a rut, unchallenged and unmotivated? Or maybe you’ve tackled a project so difficult it left you overwhelmed and frustrated? Finding your Goldilocks zone can help you avoid these extremes and find the key to peak performance. Imagine a spectrum representing your capabilities The key is finding that sweet spot where the challenge […]

Finding Your Ikigai: Charting a Course for a Fulfilling Career

Feeling a career shift on the horizon? Or maybe the spark you once had for your work has dimmed. You’re not alone. Many successful professionals reach a point where they crave a new kind of fulfilment, a sense of purpose beyond the next promotion or bigger pay packet. This is where the beautiful concept of Ikigai comes in. Ikigai, a […]

Are you stuck in the Chimp Paradox?

Have you ever felt like two parts of you are in constant conflict? One part wants to achieve your goals, make positive changes, and live a fulfilling life. But the other part – the inner chimp – throws tantrums, gets scared, and holds you back? This internal battle is the core of the Chimp Paradox, […]

Ready to Grow with BORDERLESS

Welcome to the exciting world of self-discovery with our Shuffle & Grow cards!  After listening to the needs of our clients, we have developed our brand-new Shuffle and Grow Cards. These powerful and innovative cards are designed to unlock growth for our business and individual clients, all at your own pace. The best part? You can […]

Shuffle & Grow: Instructions

Now that you have received your Shuffle & Grow cards, this guide will walk you through the process, step-by-step. Getting Started: The Shuffle The next step: Let’s GROW – Achieving Your Goals Either working alone on your own self-development or with a business coach, follow the instructions that best suit your desired outcome below. 1. […]

Networking Jitters? Create New Connections with Confidence!

Is networking on your to-do list, but fear turns your stomach into knots? You’re not alone! But worry no more because building powerful connections doesn’t have to be scary. As a business coach, I’ve helped countless individuals overcome their networking anxiety and forge invaluable relationships that fuel their success. Let’s dismantle those jitters and equip […]

Change Fatigue: A Guide to Reigniting Your Energy and Motivation

In today’s dynamic business environment, constant change is a reality. Whether it’s new leadership, restructured teams or evolving processes, adapting to these shifts can be challenging, sometimes leaving you feeling drained and demotivated. Change fatigue is a real struggle for many. It’s important to know that you are not alone and that there is hope […]

Mentoring: A Powerhouse Relationship

Our founder, Sarah Golley, is on the Board of WICT UK & Ireland, a fantastic organisation empowering women in the media, entertainment and technology industries. She is responsible for the highly successful mentoring program. As it will be International Mentoring Day on Thursday 26 October, here she talks about how powerhouse mentoring relationships make a […]