
Improve Performance: Power Up Your Day

22 August 2024

Have you ever felt like you have a mountain of tasks to conquer but just can’t seem to muster up the energy to tackle them? You’re not alone. Our energy levels fluctuate throughout the day, and understanding these patterns can significantly impact our productivity and well-being.

It’s common to experience periods of higher energy, which I refer to as ‘energy peaks’, and periods of low energy, or ‘energy slumps’. These fluctuations can be influenced by so many things, including our sleep patterns, diet, stress levels, and even our natural body clock.

Identifying Your Energy Peaks and Slumps

To optimise your energy levels, it’s essential to identify activities that drain your energy (and result in those slumps) and those that revitalise you (to make the most of the peaks). Some common energy zappers include excessive screen time, unhealthy eating habits, and prolonged periods of stress – all of which can be common during the working week. 

Timing is Everything

Knowing your personal energy patterns can help you schedule tasks more effectively. For instance, if you’re most alert and energised in the morning, it might be beneficial to tackle complex or mentally demanding tasks during this time. Alternatively, if you tend to feel more sluggish in the afternoon, you could use this time for less demanding activities like administrative tasks or checking emails.

Powering Up Your Day 

It’s not just about achieving what’s on your ‘to do’ list, but about smashing it! Here’s how to increase your efficiency, foster creativity and elevate the quality of your output.

  • Identify your energy time zones: Which time of day are you most energised? And when are you least energised? According to a recent study by Smith et al. (2023), individuals tend to experience peak cognitive function and task performance during the mid-morning hours.
  • Determine your energy sources or exhausters: Which are the complex activities where you need to find energy to tackle? And which are the activities that give you energy… Maybe something you enjoy? With people you like to work with? Or just the simple or more creative tasks?
  • Anything else? Is there anything else that is draining your energy? Either before or after the working day? Is it your commute? Sleep, diet, exercise, family commitments? Maybe it’s a specific person or relationship, either inside or outside of work?
  • Consider your energy schedule: We know that not everyone is completely in charge of their daily work schedule, however you can control more than you are right now. Do the complex tasks when you have most energy. Leave the activities you love to the end of the day when you might be feeling tired. Even thinking about your commute (and if you work from home, maybe this is just 30 minutes either side of the start of your day) can help… 

By understanding and managing your energy levels, you will be more productive and better equipped to smash your goals!